Empower your AP Staff to Focus on Higher Value Tasks

Automate invoice processing to expedite payments, reduce errors, and allocate staff resources to help your organization flourish.

Simplified AP Automation

Ellby Group's AP automation solution can help your organization save on costs related to manual accounts payable processes, while also enabling you to fully utilize your staff's potential by freeing them up to work on higher-value tasks.

Accurate, Fast & Compliant

By digitally scanning documents, you can instantly capture important data, avoid data entry, and reduce expensive human errors.

Access Anywhere

With authorized remote access, staff can approve or action invoices from anywhere they have an internet connection.

Fast Deployment

Seamlessly integrate with your current accounting software for a fast and effortless setup.

How it works

AP Automation in Action

Automating accounts payable is simple when you eliminate paper from the equation. Digital capture of documents at the start of their life cycle eliminates the costs and challenges associated with paper management. Automated workflows control invoice information and payment approvals from end-to-end, resulting in faster payments, enhanced visibility, and improved accuracy and compliance.



Digital capture of invoices can be done through various methods such as scanning, emailing, SMS forwarding, or data extraction.



Automated workflows route invoice data to approvers while validation and matching activities maintain data integrity and document accuracy.



After approval, invoices are promptly sent for payment through automated routing, leading to a significant reduction in payment processing time, from weeks to days, or even hours.



The integrated accounting system automatically receives invoice details, removing the need for manual data entry and ensuring real-time financial data.

AP Teams

Unleashing the Potential of AP Teams

AP automation can have benefits beyond just financial cost savings. The repetitive and tedious nature of manual AP processes can lead to employee burnout and reduced job satisfaction. Tasks such as vendor validation, GL coding, and seeking approvals can become monotonous and demotivating for staff.

By implementing AP automation, your accounts team can shift from mundane data entry and validation tasks to more strategic and value-added activities. This allows your team members to utilize their skills and knowledge for more challenging tasks, attracting and retaining top talent, fostering innovation, and building specialized skills for your organization.

End-to-end visibility

For Informed Decision Making


Identify and Action Issues

Quickly locate and resolve exceptions with Ellby Group's automated AP solution. With electronic document capture and tracking, see where invoices are in the AP process for instant action. Leverage automated workflows to set rules to manage invoices with an identified exception. Automatically route exceptions to authorized staff for escalation, alerting them to the assigned task for immediate action. Once actioned, invoices continue through the automated AP process, ensuring quick, accurate and timely supplier payment, every time.


Get the Complete Picture

Ellby Group’s AP solution offers comprehensive visibility of invoices, allowing you to easily track their progress through the entire AP process. Using a centralized dashboard, quickly locate any invoice and analyze supplier payment trends to make informed decisions. Get an overview of the total value of invoices received but not yet loaded into your finance system to better manage your cash flow. Generate reports to identify bottlenecks in the process and unlock further efficiencies. Empower your AP staff with information and encourage innovation.


Inbuilt Checks and Balances

Protect your organization from fraud and loss with Ellby Group's automated AP solution. Leverage automated validation checks to identify duplicate invoices and validate crucial invoice details. Custom workflows can automate invoice and documentation routing to designated approvers for improved compliance. Build checkpoints to verify details and ensure all required documentation is in place before moving to the next approval point. Enforce a two-check approval process to eliminate the chance of approvers editing invoice data.


Seamlessly Integrate with these Platforms

The key to AP Automation is here

Book a demo to see how you can take full advantage of all the benefits of AP automation by integrating Pronto Xi with FileBound.

Unlock potential

How much could your business save with UpSol?

Tell us how many of your staff are currently handling paper files and we'll let you know what your estimated savings could be, using our systems.





Ellby Group vs Traditional Printing Companies

Ellby Group

Traditional Solution

Doing Nothing

Intelligent invoice data capture

Automatic document routing

Process invoices from any device

We often joke that FileBound will increase the users joy by 24%!

“The implementation of FileBound has provided many benefits. It has made the accounts payable staff more productive and reduced their stress which has increased their wellbeing. We often joke that FileBound will increase the users joy by 24%! It has meant we could handle the increased work volume without increasing the number of staff”. Many users do in fact comment how this system is so much better, is more efficient, has increased transparency, saves time and that invoices can be approved on just about any internet connected device, anywhere. Which is great when dealing with teachers and staff who may not be on campus”.

Scott Whitwell Christian Education Trust

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